An innovative exception was the Swedish Stridsvagn 103, or " S-Tank ".
The Centurions, together with the Stridsvagn 103, formed the backbone of the Swedish armoured brigades for several decades.
However, post-war, the concept fell out of favour due to its limitations, with the Swedish Stridsvagn 103'S-Tank'and the German Kanonenjagdpanzer being exceptions.
E M I L was however regarded as too costly and instead the S-tank proposal was put forward for the final draft which it won and it subsequently became the Stridsvagn 103.
A development of the T-64, it entered service in 1976 and was the first production tank to be equipped with a gas turbine engine for main propulsion ( the Stridsvagn 103 only used a supplementary gas turbine by 1971 ).
These included the Swedish Stridsvagn 103 ( S-Tank ), the American M551 Sheridan light tank, the British FV432 Armoured personnel carrier, the Mark IV version of the Ferret armoured car and early versions of the American M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
With minor changes, the " Alternativ S " was adopted as the " Stridsvagn 103 " ( " 103 " from being the third tank with a 10 cm grid could be mounted at the front to help defeat HEAT rounds; however, it was kept secret for many years and was only to be fitted in the event of war.
"' Sven Erik Berge "'( born " Svensson ", 1 October 1919 in Ljusdal, H鋖singland, Sweden; died 6 August 2004 in Malm?) was a Swedish gymnasium-graduate in mechanical engineering, is most known for his time at Kungliga Arm閒鰎valtningens Tygavdelning ( KAFT, senare F鰎svarets MaterielVerk ), where he led the construction of stridsvagn 74 and stridsvagn 103, but also as a member of Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademin since the early 1960s.